1. Do you all watch Big Bang? You totally should--that's where the above picture is from. Rob and I got all of the DVDs through Netflix, but loved it so much we bought all of the seasons at Target. We are slowly working our way back through them. When one of us has had a tough day, we just watch Big Bang and I swear it makes things so much better!
2. Our weekend trip to Vegas could not have come at a better time. I am just flat out exhausted. I have been going about a million miles an hour and I am ready for the opportunity to sleep, eat, and be with my friends. Perfect timing. :)
3. Speaking of the Vegas trip, I have to finish my HP book so I can take #5 with me! I've checked all of the books out of the library, but I don't want to haul all of them out there with me! Hopefully I will be able to finish it up tomorrow. :)
4. I love those picture. I'm pretty sure my hair has looked like this on more than one occasion. ;) I think it's so easy to let our problems get us down. However, there's a difference between having tough things to get through and letting them rule your life.
5. Last night Rob and I cleaned up our bedroom and organized some clothes for our trip this weekend. Ohmyword. If I wasn't mortified, I would've taken a before and after picture for you, friends. Suffice it to say, our room really needed the cleaning and it looks MUCH better now! It was to the point that I'm not for sure how we were able to get ourselves ready in the morning. :)
6. I walked into a classroom last week to substitute and saw this note left from another sub. I'm all about being professional and getting my name out--but really?! Does anyone else think this is a bit much?
7. I don't tell my blogging friends nearly enough how happy their emails, comments, and tweets make me. When I'm having a rough day, a comment or an email can totally turn my day around. I am so so thankful for each and every one of you. :)
Hope you're having a good Thursday! :)
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