Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 goals


I have been thinking long and hard about my 2012 goals. I'd like to make 12 goals that are completely attainable for me--even though I know I'll have a lot of work to do on them!

1. I will read 52 books this year. In 2011 I read 45 books AND planned a wedding so I'm pretty sure I can get this accomplished! I finished a book last night--although I read 90% of it in 2011, it was over 1300 pages so I'm going to go ahead and count it. :)

2. I will lose 20 lbs. When I exercise and eat right I feel better about myself! I need to develop the best plan for me for this year though.

3. I will save X amount of dollars this year. This will be a little bit harder, but I am still confident that we will be able to reach this goal! My ultimate goal would be for us to be able to live off of one of our paychecks, but we aren't there yet!

4. I will find a place for every single thing in my house. If it doesn't have a place I will either create a solution for it or give it away. I want my life to be more organized!

5. I will learn to coupon in a way that cuts our shopping budget down at least $100/month. I am going to really focus on personal care items and pet food and treats. We spend a lot of money in this area and I am looking forward to saving some money--which will also help with #3!

6. I will travel outside of Ohio at least 6 times this year. I stole this idea from my friend Kate. I already know of three trips I'll be taking out of state this year, so I really wanted to set the bar high! And, trips to Kentucky to visit my mom do not count! :)

7. I will send more cards and snail mail this year. I know how much of an impact this can have and I promise to be better at it this year!

8. I will complete at least three Bible Studies or devotionals this year. I will be doing at least two Beth Moore studies with some of my favorite ladies at church, but I would like to find one other study or devotional to really strengthen my relationship with Christ.

9. I will plan at least three trips for my husband and I to take this year. I think traveling together really strengthens our relationship--plus it is just fun! I love the memories we create and looking back on those times really bring me so much happiness!

10. I will make sure there are no dirty dishes in the sink and a load of laundry is started every night before I go to bed. I hate both of these chores, but getting them finished the night before makes for a much happier morning for me.

11. I will get pregnant this year. This is a whole different post for a different day, but this will happen this year!

12. I will be a good wife this year! This includes cooking my husband's favorite meals, showing him how much I love him everysingleday, and spending quality time with him!

Do you have resolutions for this year? I'd love to hear about them!

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