Monday, January 30, 2012

time for a haircut!

So friends, I am due for another haircut.  Last time, I contemplated cutting my hair to my shoulders (right now it's about 3-4 inches below them), but I chickened out.  Big time.  I've had the same hairstyle for pretty much the last 2 + years and while I like it, I think that I am over having long hair for awhile.  It takes SO long to blow dry and I feel like it doesn't have style anymore to it.  Do any of you feel like that that have long hair?  Is it just because I need a haircut?

Here are some hairstyles I've found that I really like...  I think they might all be versions of the same style though! haha!









What do you think?  Have you seen any great hairstyles lately?


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