-Last night Rob and I decided to watch our Netflix DVD of Big Bang Theory. We got it in the mail yesterday, but when it came time for us to watch it, it was nowhere to be found! I tried to remember where I had put it...and then I realized I had most likely put it in the outside trash. :( I had checked the mail and thrown away the junk in the trashcan before coming inside. :( :( :( :( :( So, I put on my big girl britches and dug it out of the trash. In the rain. That's how much I wanted to watch Big Bang Theory! (Also there was nothing else in the trash. Thank goodness. :) )
-Speaking of, I finally learned the words to the theme song. I'm pretty much a genius. :)
-On Tuesday I subbed at a local high school but all of the students had work to do--there was no real teaching for me to do. Luckily, I had downloaded my Nook with some fun new reading material including----
Honestly I wasn't sure if I would like this book. I thought it might be too preachy or perhaps too conservative. However, I loved the book! It's written in a way that makes you feel like you are just having a conversation with Tim Tebow! I really admire him and his strong faith--which he is able to talk about in a way that is not judgmental or righteous. I like that. There's a lot about football in there (shocking, I know), so I think that guys would like it just as much!
-I've heard that so many of you are doing My Fitness Pal too! Let's be friends---beckyjo606 is my username. This has been such an eye-opening app for me. I had no idea how much snacking was impacting my calorie intake. Even if I end up going over my calorie count, I try to still put everything in there, but it definitely makes me think twice about everything I eat!
-Also, earlier in the week I mentioned I had saved a bunch of money through couponing. One of my friends has started a new blog, Coupning Make$ Cent$. Jessica has basically taught me everything I know about coupon clipping and the best ways to save money! She has started posting matchups where she matches up the stores that are having sales with the coupons being offered. This is how you get maximum savings! If you're interested in saving some money, check out her blog! :)
-Do you have any good book recommendations? One of my resolutions for the year is to read 52 books! I've read 3 so far and I have a few more picked out to read, but I am always looking for more to read.
Alright, I have shared enough random things with you for the day!
Hope you're having a great Thursday! :)
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